City Osteopathy Integrated Health offers services in osteopathy, physiotherapy, clinical massage, Pilates, sophrology, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Its staff come from Australia, the UK, Canada, France and Hong Kong, and the clinic is led by Australian osteopath Benjamin Lai, who founded it in 2012. Ben sees the unique benefits of osteopathy as a system that offers natural pain relief through manual therapy, and a holistic form of medicine that considers a person’s health in the context of lifestyle factors, nutrition, emotional state and body function.
The clinic’s treatments cover chronic pain, musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, pre- and post-natal conditions, as well as a range of problems that may interfere with the normal development of babies and children.
“Osteopathy uses gentle and calming techniques to release and rebalance the connective tissue of the body, whatever age, young or old,” he says. “It’s particularly suited, given its gentleness, to releasing restrictions in infants and babies that might have been caused by the positioning of the baby in the womb or the birthing process that can cause discomfort in a baby’s early months. It can also be useful in treating pain caused by the natural pelvic and lower back adjustments experienced in pregnancy, as well as headaches and tension in the neck and other musculoskeletal areas.”
Ben says osteopaths are particularly good at determining the underlying cause of a health issue, particularly if it isn’t a “textbook” case.
City Osteopathy Integrated Health
Suite 1401 Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar Street, Central
2151 4795 |
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This article first appeared in the City Guide 2018 issue of Expat Living magazine. Subscribe now so you never miss an issue.