Here’s some more Expat Living trivia for you! This time, it’s 20 quiz questions all about Easter – from bunnies and the Bible to Easter foods and more.
#1 What’s the word for the twisting leap in the air that rabbits do when they’re happy – is it a rinky, a dinky or a binky?
#2 Reading crime novels is a popular Easter tradition in Norway, true or false?
#3 Easter Island is located in which ocean?
#4 What was the name of the Roman governor of Judaea who presided over the trial of Jesus in the first century AD?
#5 Starting with “F” are what type of jewelled eggs crafted in Russia over 100 years ago and considered the most expensive Easter eggs in the world?
#6 Who directed the 2004 biblical drama The Passion of the Christ, starring Jim Caviezel and Monica Bellucci?
#7 What common girl’s name is an anagram of “Easter”?
#8 Cadbury produced its first chocolate Easter egg in which year, 1875, 1901 or 1925?
#9 In 1979, an employee at Atari coined a term for a secret message, image or feature that can be found hidden in a computer game, and which later came to apply to movies and other media too. What is the term?
#10 What name is commonly given to the Sunday before Easter Sunday?
#11 Śmigus-dyngus, the Easter Monday celebration that involves drenching other people in water, is traditionally held in which country: Poland, Peru or Iceland?
#12 Who wrote the music for Jesus Christ Superstar, a 1970 rock opera based loosely around the last week of Jesus’s life?
#13 Which native animal do you commonly find in chocolate form alongside bunnies at Easter time in Australia?
#14 What is the latest possible date for Easter Sunday to fall in a given year: 13 April, 25 April or 1 May?
#15 Which song by the Beatles features the following line: “I am the egg man, they are the egg men”
#16 Which of the following foods do we not normally associate with Easter: hot cross buns, roast lamb, pretzels, trifle, Simnel cake?
#17 In which of the four seasons does Easter take place in Argentina?
#18 In the Bible, how many days are there between the death of Jesus and his resurrection?
#19 Which famous place in America hosts an annual event for children known as the “Easter Egg Roll”?
#20 “Frohe Ostern!” means “Happy Easter!” in what language?
Who am I?
(If you can answer correctly on the first clue, you get 10 points, but you lose a point for each additional clue you require after that.)
- I was born on 15 April 1990, which happened to be Easter Sunday that year. (10)
- My birthplace was Paris, and I lived there until the age of five. (9)
- One of my middle names is Duerre. (8)
- At school in England, I enjoyed playing field hockey and dancing, but I also had my heart set on acting. (7)
- Today, I’m a certified yoga teacher and meditation instructor. (6)
- I’m also one of the highest-paid actresses in the world, with a net worth of approximately US$80 million. (5)
- My first film role is my most famous role. (4)
- I’ve given high-profile speeches at the UN on the topic of gender equality, and I helped launch the HeForShe campaign. (3)
- I played Hermione Grainger in the Harry Potter film series. (2)
- I am Emma who? (1)
All the answers!
#1 Binky
#2 True
#3 Pacific
#4 Pontius Pilate
#5 Fabergé eggs
#6 Mel Gibson
#7 Teresa
#8 1875
#9 Easter egg
#10 Palm Sunday
#11 Poland
#12 Andrew Lloyd Webber
#13 Bilby
#14 25 April (but it hasn’t fallen on such a late date since 1943, and won’t again until 2038)
#15 “I Am The Walrus”
#16 Trifle
#17 Autumn
#18 Three
#19 The White House (specifically, on the South Lawn)
#20 German
Emma Watson
Like our Easter quiz? See more trivia and fun ideas in our Things to do section!